ORGKHIM Biochemical Holding and Ilim Group join forces for an innovative biochemical production project Amber Stream LLC, a joint venture with 50/50 participation. The new JV will produce a wide range of pine-chemical products with a high added value, including unique products completely new to Russian pine chemical industry.


ORGKHIM celebrates its 15th anniversary.


The 50,000 Mt/y NORMAN-4 unit comes on stream, further boosting the extender oil output.

As a result of an overhaul of the feedstock and final products storage complex it is now complete with the newly built 4 railway tracks, 2 off-loading points, newly installed petroleum products storage tanks, and newly erected pipe racks.


The Uren plant commissions a new WWTP, revamps the boiler system and installs the external and internal gas lines thereby upgrading the processes to the natural gas.


The construction of the third full-size NORMAN unit (NORMAN-4) of 50 000 Mt/year breaks ground.


Orgkhim incorporates the Voronezh-based “Biosintez” (a production and services company) as part of Orgkhim’s local project of aligning its manufacturing processes with those of OAO SIBUR Holding.

The next NORMAN process unit (NORMAN-3) of 46 000 t/year comes on stream in Uren.


As a result of a joint effort with ROSDORNII (a Government-owned company (FGUP)), Orgkhim designs AFTISOTDOR - an adhesive additive for bitumen and polymer-bitumen binders used in road construction and road repair.

Sibirsky Pine Chemical Plant steps up pine oil (terpineol) output.

Export shipments of top grades of pine oil take off headed for Taiwan, India, the USA, the UK and Germany.


The first commercial-scale (8000 Mt/y) production unit of NORMAN extender oil (NORMAN-2) comes on stream.

The Holding receives a Eurasian patent on “Method of selective treatment of mineral oil fractions to remove polycyclic aromatic compounds”.

Orgkhim Production Company launches production of hydroperoxides from hydrogenated terpene hydrocarbons.

The Holding incorporates Sibirsky Pine Chemical Plant - the biggest in Siberia and the Far East chemical plant (established in 1972).


Orgkhim starts regular shipments of NORMAN extender oil to Nokian Tyres. The company receives a Polish and a Turkish patents titled “Extender oil and method of production of extender oil” and a Ukrainian patent for the invented “Method of selective treatment of mineral oil fractions to remove polycyclic aromatic compounds”.


The first 1,000 Mt/y pilot plant for NORMAN extender oil production is commissioned. ORGHIM obtains a Russian patent for its “Method of production of extender oil and the extender oil (itself)”. Orgkhim Biochemical Holding becomes member of the Pine Chemical Association Inc. (USA).


Orgkhim receives a Russian patent for its invention of “Method of Selective Treatment of Mineral Oil Fractions to Remove Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds”. The Product Quality Management System at Orgkhim Production Company is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2000.


The company’s unique technology for production of NORMAN carcinogen-free extender oil is designed.


Start of production of EDiSKAN complex emulsifier. Regular deliveries to Russian synthetic rubber makers.


Crushed rosin and rosin soap production takes off. First deliveries of rosin soap to Voronezhsintezkauchuk OAO.


Orgkhim Biochemical Holding is established in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, with Trade House Orgkhim as the Management Company. The company’s chief production facility “Orgkhim Production Company” opens on the grounds of an old chemical factory (built back in 1932), located close to Nizhny Novgorod in the town of Uren.